GOD AND CLARITY - If I Pray and Ask, Will God Eliminate All Mystery?


Author Brennan Manning wrote of a brilliant ethicist unsettled in his vocation. For several months the man served in Calcutta with Mother Teresa and one day asked her to pray that God would give him clarity. The founder of the Sisters of Charity, the Nobel Prize recipient, the icon with, it would seem, a hotline to God, said no. She said, “I never had clarity. I only had trust. So I will pray that you trust God.” 

From my decades of belief, in the quest to know and act on God’s will, my money’s on Mother Teresa’s trust over cloud formations, voices, or Morgan Freeman’s drop-ins in Bruce Almighty. God is the shaper of souls, the perfecter of our faith; he speaks in ways great and small, but never in a cliché, never in means we can manufacture or manipulate. 


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